Atrophy - History of the web site
the Atrophy site
history & credits of the site

the official Atrophy website


05-06-2000:web site first created
10-06-2000:Luke created Atrophy logo
11-06-2000:biography page written
22-06-2000:nothing happened for a long time
22-06-2000:photos page planned
22-06-2000:this page written
22-06-2000:guestbook arrived
22-06-2000:biography page re-written
22-06-2000:navigation re-written
26-06-2000:brand new page written
16-08-2000:guestbook fixed
20-08-2000:all pages tweaked
20-08-2000:e-mail form added


HTML coded by:Mark Lowton
Graphics created by:Mark Lowton & Luke Kelsall
Website created in:Microsoft Notepad
Graphics created in:Adobe Photoshop 5.5 & Microsoft Photoshop